
Tuesdays FX @ 10pm Est      Period Drama

created by  Chips Hardy (father of) Tom Hardy, Steven Knight

Even after having watched the first episode 2 or 3 times I still can’t quite explain the show.

I’ve seen 2 episodes so far (maybe 3 by the time you read this) and I am still not sure what exactly the plot of the show is.

Aside from Imdb ‘s description “Adventurer James Keziah Delaney builds his own shipping empire in the early 1800s.” which is quite vague for a plot premise as is!

I can tell you on his return home in the beginning of the first episode that his father, the owner of a shipping empire, dies. He shows up for his father’s funeral where gasps arise in the church as though he’s a necrophiliac but it’s because everyone thought he was dead; even his sister. He does some sort of mojo (voodoo?) during the funeral at his father’s grave. He walks around looking like the Babadook (sorry it’s that hat and long coat) he apparently has a son, he gives the boy’s adoptive father a payment for past present and future, and leaves saying he never wants to see the boy.

Oh back to that Necrophiliac comment, he seems to see the dead (ghosts?)  either that or he is going mad. Maybe he’s a necromancer, but then he would have been able to bring his father back from the dead.  The East India trading company is trying to buy some island from him and he isn’t biting. I can tell you Hardy does make brooding an art and frankly I think does it best… as long as you can understand what he’s saying, unlike when he played the English Mobster twins (sorry forget the name).  He was all mumbles with that. This one I understood every word except when working that mojo, which I guess was African which is where he was supposed to be for 10 years if I heard right.

Watch and Catch up on Amazon

WatchthatTV also has posted a review of the PILOT  and I think they explained it much better than I was able to.

It’s about time that the a show the UK is showing is on the same time as it is airing season wise in the U.S. (instead of the chance of being spoiled.) I know usually one side is usually behind in an episode or few but honestly if I didn’t know that Ragnar was going to die at some point in Vikings, I’d want a warning from a friend on that at least.

The series is worth a watch and to stick with.. It is a bit slow moving but all the more the payoff when secrets and mysteries are revealed!



Zoo_TV_series_promo_posterCBS Tuesdays @ 9pm Est

Jackson= James wolk
Abe =

reporter = Kristen Connolly
Mitch Morgan vet pathologist = billy Burke

Chloe French intei. Dgse

Season 1

The show based on the James Paterson novel  (co written with Michael Ledwidge), starts off somewhere in Africa during a Safari tour  when poachers come along and one of the guys that runs the Safari tour blasts a boom box to scare the Rhinos away. (I swear if I was there in person I would have laughed my ass off! And maybe if I had some darts (for those dart boards at bars; I’d would love to throw them at anyone who harms animals no matter what kind…well not snakes.. we just don’t get along)

Ooh and the King Is ready for his close-up and what is that? The Lion looks like it’s making a face of innocence and then pounce. I love the way the scene happens, I had to chuckle.

Reading Entertainment Weekly’s review and had to include a note f it:

“You might expect this show to be as Purrrfectly silly as that pun; nope Zoo is gripping unpretentious fun!”

The magazine goes on to mention the screen writer used the book as inspiration, so there is a faithful translation; they just expanded the scope of it, multiplied the characters, curtailed the sexist stuff and nixed some nutty Attila Ape.Zi Approved TV series

Bad news  for my fellow Gore Ghouls: the violent horror of being mauled by the animals takes place off screen; this is network TV people. Could leaving the gruesome parts out possibly be a ploy to get you to read the book! The review I read from EW  says the book’s ‘horror movie’ animal attacks are too gruesome for network tv, so it goes on suspense.

Hopefully those that have read the book will be happy with it (if you have I would like to know what you think of the show)

We get to globe trot a bit in each episode so far, and  we’ve been to New York City, and Botswana. James Wolk who plays Jackson Oz runs the previously mentioned safari and Abraham played by Nonso Anozeiel is his besti that I think could give William ‘The Refrigerator’ Perry a run for that nickname! We have Kristen Connolly (the Whispers) possibly becoming a ‘staunker’ who plays Jamie Campbell a report/blogger  who teams up with Billy Burke’s (The Twilight Saga) Mitch Morgan to investigate her theory linking the Lion attacks, missing pets, and large company Raiden Global which may be the cause.

So who are the vics in the premier? Piggish men.

The show has a quick pace, mordant wit, dark humor and so far the horror as I may have previously mentioned have happened off screen.

One ‘Oh sh!+’ Moment for me was the Lions in the field. I thought male lions didn’t hang around each other or at least definitely no more than 2 to an area’s pride but this was some sort of ‘football’ play  or in a literal sense a stalking line-up.

SO we have a show with the animals singing Quiet Riots “We’re not gonna take it”. So if you see any animal with the mutation in the left eye like the poster image… don’t run, but hide and remember they smell your fear! (or at least get yourself into some panic room, Cemetery Crypt something solid they (hopefully) can’t get into.

oh wow that puts a whole new meaning to the term ‘Cat Tree’ (You cat parents will know what that is) So are they ready for an attack or are the domestics playing neighborhood watch?

Oh my bear! I meant well, yeah so WTF was ‘Lee’ trying to do? Playing chemist  and taking the nerve juice out of his eye? He’s crazier than he looks!  Oh then there’s the stupid rich bitch in the kitchen  who runs in the pantry. Said Pantry’s door is has a slotted  part of the way and then at the bottom looks like a radiator grate; Like that’s going to keep you safe… StereotypicalBinge worthy blonde (and fake one by the looks of it). She doesn’t take her shoes off to keep from making noise (though I hear that is the best way to rid yourself of a beer). She comes across a candle snuffer and uses that to get to her phone. The dumb ass has it charging so when she yanks it, it falls on the floor and of course the bear hears it and I have no remorse for dumbness you should have taken your shoes off & crawled over & quietly unplugged it and went back to your hiding spot. So now I guess she’ll be mauled by the bear. (If it were a zombie bear he wouldn’t even go for the brains cause she doesn’t seem to have any). Oh NO Agent what’s his name had me fooled! Not even sure if I was weary of him at firs


Defiant Pupil & aggression


Changes in natural behaviors   (Hibernating at the wrong time)

physical changes like an endoskeleton (under the skin)

cross types of an animal can talk to each other.

Emotional Contagion * Spark

Cause = Raiden Global products

We’ve so far traveled to:

Botswana, NYC,  Slovenia & Paris Tokyo, Mississippi the arctic (or was it Antarctic) Alabama, Rio de janeiro Boston & Mobile (wherever that is… Texas?)  Washington D.C.

Episode 4 titled Pack Mentality airs tonight  9pm on CBS    You should be able to watch it free on demand or on or subscribe via Amazon for the full season Zoo, Season 1

Wait Bears in the Paris catacombs?!?!  Hibernating in August?  When Abe says “The Bears….are snoring, I started laughing my butt off. yes I know it6’s not really funny, but if you were with me when I went with my parents and my Mom’s friend plus her family camping you would understand the inside joke.   On the first night I woke to hearing some ‘growling/snarling’ type of noise. I got a bit nervous and thought there were bears outside. When I got up the next morning I asked big Drew if there were bears ‘around here’. He said no, and that’s as far as I can remember I’m sure I had to have said then why did i hear bears last night. Anyway it was his family that was snoring, in their CAMPER that I could hear in my sleep (and I’m not a light sleeper though maybe sleeping on an air mattress didn’t help much I’m sure)  and so The words Bears & snore being uttered is a hoot for me. I told my mother about it and she was like oh that’s why you were laughing! LMAO!

The rats are now ‘gangsta’  they are the new mob and have run the Italians, Irish, and  Russians  out of town! They’ve dispatched a ships crew.. THEY. ATE. THEM! And Jackson said one they do that, they have a taste for it. The males have become asexual it seems and the females are big and in a big nesting area in the basement. Like I said… The Rat Mob! Rats, Bats but what about the kitty cats? Last wee saw them all hanging out in a tree… So far the domestic pets have yet to show signs it seems. I feel bad for the professor’s daughter as she has a dog, so I’ve been worried since we met her.

So the 9th episode ‘went to the Birds’ I thought it as a sort of tribute to the old horror movie, with the scene in the park. Was quite scary with the children there.  Our group of heroes has more on the line and now nothing to lose (which is dangerous). They’ve got the mother cell and may be on the way to finding out a cure. The FBI has put the word out on miss Frenchie and  Jamie.

E. 10 Emotional Contagion

Gung Ho -from Chinese team work  …  ” Excitable  morons groping for a cause ” – Mitch Morgan (billy Burke)

The title refers to that of which has the effect of a yawn, which is an ’emotional’ contagion you see someone yawn and likely you will as well.  Jackson spoke of his father mentioning something about a ‘spark’. That it starts with one animal then moves on to others

This guy that plays Ray looks really familiar, will have to look him up on

I’m going to be sad when this season ends, Tuesdays have been my favorite Tv night this summer

The 2 hour episode on september 8th I thought was the season finale, it wasn’t! I was surprised it wasn’t, why do the 2nd to the last episode as a 2 hour and not the finale? I guess we’ll find out why.  This is also up for nomination in the Avatar Awards (for 2015) for intro montage.

We traveled to Virginia, Zambia, Washington D.C. and Harare in this one.

Bily Burke’s  ‘Scumbums’ comment. and the

Are the leopards the key to the cure?

“Find the Leopards save the world’ line (why does that sound so familiar when it shouldn’t? Was that a line from another show in the past, did heroes have something like that?)

There’s some campfire awkwardness as a certain someone needs to go to the bathroom.

Someone got baited, which was a surprise on the perimeter check, I sat there stunned!. As they say.. Timing is Everything.

Oh great use of a glow stick! Start stocking up now!

“I’m pilfering this adorable little bottles that haven’t grown up yet”

                        -Billy Burke’s character who’s name I can never remember

Oh Gods it’s final Destination all over again….  Season 1 finale Sept 15th 2015

So the opening of the season finale, I’m having a Lost flashback! Then it seems to be snowing & we have them skip ahead to december.  There seems to be no hope, or is there a giant hill of hope? I won’t ruin it, but the ending left me throwing a fit!

and What major life lesson do we learn?

TV Teachings

NEVER cheat on your girl with her sister (or best friend) and especially as a sister you should know better.

African language   Raffik= Friend or Brother (?)

‘Chewey’ meaning leopards ?

Antropic  scale (sp?) ah maybe it was  trophic 

The difference between Epidemic (‘isolated’ to one area)  & Pandemic Global proportions

Season 2

So my favorite show from last summer is back and with a 2 hour premier, I have been pacing my cage just waiting for the show to start again, and what do you know, I see Patterson has a Zoo 2 out one o

We pick up at the end of the last season where the animals and our heroes are at a stand off of sorts.

like last year we get some frquent flier miles just by watching the show, so far I remember we have traveled to

New Brunswick, B.C.  Canada, a place I thought no longer existed,

There’s also that private plane they are on (man is that thing cushy looking)

The virus is now in it’s phase 2 and still mutating. Also one of our heroes is bitten, does this mean he will turn? Humans are not supposed to be able to contract what it is with the animals, but turns out they have to have the right markers to do so. Would those markers be something that comes about when you have a pet or work with animals for a long time? Could people who love animals be able to contract the ‘virus’, or maybe people who are sympathetic to animals.

There’s a count down to the military destroying all the animals with a type of gas.

Do they find the cure this season?  More action, more humans getting their comeuppance and and bit of a step into the future.




We see a dog Murdock and his owner
Giving a tour and see some poachers break out a small boom box!!!
they skip a bit of the book I think as the lion is already out of his cage and in some city. In book its a male and female in book. The names aren’t even the same.

A reporter on phone about the lions and that their routine has not changed until tge zoo started using raydon global for their food. Her co worker tells her shes Chasing the unicorn that killed Kennedy

Go to a resort can’t find the people and find a video camera.

Male lions fan out and attack
The pets cats are missing
Now at the ‘city of angels zoo’
In 149 years there was only 7-9 deaths due to a lion attack.

The defiant pupil (was in lions left eye)
Jackson thinking his dad isnt so nuts anymore


never mind for the birds Found all the kitties in the biggest most ironic cat tree ever

take kid they are going to adopt to circus (gee what could go wrong?!?!!

Chem 24d used as pesticide and made by reindon global

Abe calls Jackson rafiki
Doing Neuro test on a cub and it woke early
The hotel dog steals kids souvenir


Slovenia dog vic
Tokyo goes to get flash drives of his father learns his dad , got remarried 2 yrs ago died. Have to go to fukoshima to find his work as he started to hide it. And bats hitting plane during the day!!

A prisoner has the pupil
Reporter last hope showed the door
The guy that met with the girl from the safari has now approached Mitch.

the prisoner Evan lee hartley sees a wolf outside, when he gets outdoor time the wolf attacks a guard and as a rancid album is called
Out come the wolves

Investigate the prison fire etc sees camera feed that look like prisoner is the alpha

Bats covering solar panels
Back in Biloxi Jackson and Abe etc in hotel
prisoner never prob before and Worked in biology dept…

Dumb dumbs going into woods where people are hunting and not wearing any bright or reflective gear.

back to Antarctic Aww poor penguins even look cold.there’s A little bat chaos lol love how it sits on cage. id swear its trying to bark at the women. Can bats hiss or growl?? Back to woods and yep Hartley is a pack leader.

5 blame it on leo

Leo Butler is written all over Evan lee’s bible along to all ref. To animals

Rio bats are just flying over one location turns out its a bad area more bugs and Gerry rigged electric.

reiden has a Vector they call mother cell
And in EVERYTHING they make

1.6 this is what it sounds like

The one with the bear

1.7 sleuths

Off to Paris and the x elephant in the room.
Mitch makes a deal to get his daughter the medication his daughter needs.

1.8. The cheese stands alone

A ship infested with rats, Heading for Pandora island. The thousands of rats after attack swim for shore.
New York
In the book Jackson lives in NY and unlike the show that’s where the book starts.
Daddy daughter day. Clementine gives me a chuckle every time she calls herself deadgirl… want to cue up living dead girl by rob (white) zombie
Rat hotel they check in, you’re lucky if you check out…alive!! OMG!!! literal elevator full of rats.
Rebecca in the book is a red head

Horse carriage ride. Cool its name is gypsy. and the horse goes nuts.

Lions communicate over great distance
Male mice giving birth
Bears hybernating in summer!!!??? Getting an endoskeleton

9. Murmuration

Deal for meds almost done and Mitch sees Delevane the head of their team.
the team learns from Mitch of his betrayal.
The company they are trying to take down put them together!

The birds
Sting op to find our team
All species of birds 1 call
Gotta get to Zambia (?)

10 emotional contagion

clearwater fl.
“never has Clearwater fl ever been the solution to anything; No your not thinking of ray
No! not ray

Zebras camels and electronic valosaraptors

emotional contagion= Biological phenomenon no one understands it but its real ……yawns laughter
This is the spark Jackson’s dad talked about

11 eats shoots and leaves
Find cheetah to make cure
Driving to help Jackson a convoy of vehicles an people leaving city

12 wild things
animal Attack on a hospital
Jackson has surgery then saves a couple kids
Abe finds a dog

13 that great big hill of hope
Jamie is pulled from the water after a plane crash
The others are separated as well. Chloe with military
Jackson looks like he’s carrying on dads videos
Mitch in a bar
Abe not exactly sure where but helping a group
They think each other is dead or lost
💡Use mosquitoes to spread cure

2.1 the day of the beast
‘Family’ reunion
What would you call a multi species mob of animals? Beast brigade? pester of Paws 4 legged ? ? ? Trample of ??

Jackson’s bite has changed his blood type!!

Who’s the mutant???


Jamie comes out of the bushes

2.3 collision point

A river that moved… 8 miles off course!!!
electric ants

4 the walls of Jericho

Gen. Davis wants to kill all animals then bring back
Earthquake making sloths, And demolition moles?
Jamie still trying to get to caraquet now with logan

5 the moon and the star

Logan and Jamie break down
Uh oh I think that 3rd helix just turned on.
Owner of plane hacks in and brings it down.
Alison Shaw And a surprising relation drop
Poison ‘glass’ and snakes
And what I’m calling cult of the beasts

6 sex lives and jellyfish

Ugh WHY do they have to do spiders right after snakes!!!!
who does Davis have working for him smarter than mitch???

7 jamies got a gun
mitch puts Jackson in a medical hypnosis to find ghost gene sequence
Locusts keeping people awake
Definitely cg jaguars (???) But the foxes looked real.
I wonder how many were real and others just good fx work
Now we know if we can trust Logan or not

8:zero sum

Davies men come for oz. And Mitch is killing me with the oh snide, sarcastic whatever retorts in answer.
We all learn where Logan’s loyalties lie
Lol the guy called Jackson beastie boy
Plane quake and capture Davies
Now THAT is a break up good bye and so much more rolled into one
Jackson’s mom is missing

9 sins of the father
horses single out the army ranger
a sabertooth
Mitch’s dad
Jackson is coughing up black goo.
Abe tells him his secret and the ones about his dad. Must have traumatized him as boom pupil activated

10 yellow brick road
the chase for jackson, and a stampede (or whatever you call it) of all sorts of animals….are they running from jackson? Who has clawed out the tracker he gave himself !

mutation is an adrenaline rush
3 parts of brain Logic emotion reptilian

The elderly lady is giving me the creeps.
Ooh I was right why the horses were after her

Abe Mitch and Jamie go to the fathers safe house. But no sign of him.

11 the contingency

Robert oz on board
Father son not bonding time
MacGyver an emp but wouldn’t using it not only work on the military plane as well as their own? If not then why wouldn’t it mess up theirs?

Well you did already lose a toe for this team.. I think losing and arm or a head would just be showing off.

12 Pangaea

Going to meet “my friends’ (as in papa oz) the shepherds.
Reese k ow the saber tooth is in quad 6.
Why the he’ll are you shooting tracks at someone with Kevlar on?!?!??
Mitch and Jamie stealing some box plus ah has the Noah objective in it. Surprise Logan helps. And is witch’s threat a bluff or not!
Well its about time he changes his mind and someone does that!
Jackson gets a blood transfusion, but I missed what reason was.
Release the cure, air space cleared, and Noah obj. Lives on

13 Clementine

Find clemintine, prove animals there are cured

Revelation about the Noah objective
And time jump
And the closing of…due to revelation

So who is blondie? Oh I think I know all growed up

Season 3 

E1 no place like home

Our heros are split up

Fighting sterility due to the ts gas “cure’
A barrier and  jackson has some gadget that controls the lions at least

Mitch is in some lab looks all torn up

Some mutant creatures

Irdg on way to get mitch. But how did he get there and when? I dont renember that in last season, so theres a big gap between last ep of s2 and happenings here.

2 diaspora

Thanks to the rehash now i see what happened to mitch.
Jackson is living under an alias

3 ten years gone

Abe and    try to get back their son. Ryden and gov issue a ‘quarantine of children have under 12   (which is basically kidnapping  what they did at abes house) ir a  draft’ as they likened it to
Clem tries to find right time to tell dad sbout bring  preggers.

Mitch suffers some side effects from being in cryo?
Tirns out theres something in his head, a tracker? Abd going to perform brain surgery.

Abe and     partner try to get son back but a ‘decoy’ is sent get him back to real parents only fir hom to be taken from them again.

Jackson  gies to fond s new hybrid creature

Abagail in middle of new hybrids? Is she creating them?

4 welcome to the terradome

After unintentionally activating what ibfirstbthought was an alarm (which in a sense is) the weird siren sound made by the device summons the vulture looking hybrids that burrow in the ground!!! (That is some serious craxy there)

Abigail tries to take down raiden tower with ‘her ‘ hybrids
Oz abe and. Dariella  Need to help with the drone

5 drop it like its hot

Raiden ceo  jamie says is the falcon. The one who had military kidnap the children.

Plan to get rid of hybrids  and the OOPS 😬
The distress call … Is a familiar face for Jackson.
Villagers in mexico say have not seen hybrids in years

Jackson  Mentions his family he had (but in this never see it)  so alot of whats in the book is rearranged, slightly changed or just in a way written off 

Treasure hunt for device to decrypt file
Woah! Animal mind control superpower?

Dariella puts  clem  in danger

Something about a mr duncan need to find

7   wham bam thank you sam

Abigail doing some sort of test on the kids  to make them same frequency as the hybrids?
Gets into plane while the other try a  possible location on the kids
Logan gets news of a new hybrid and an opportunity hevwont pass up

Omg the new hybrid wolf looking disappeared in front of their eyes! Some 60 foit snake that may have taken its camouflage to another level

No way would i go into a snake den, esp. when the entrance looks like that! (Even though that looked like an entrance to a creepy horror house.)  jamie grabs extinguisher so they can see it.
Jamie finds out who duncan is, while Jackson goes to find clem’s baby daddy.

8 stakes on a plane

Monster 👹 on the plane
Thanks to max,  mitch is now blind trying to fry the bio drive in his head.

Thanks to Abigail plane malfunctioning and clem is in danger as Abigail tries to get jackson  to wake a tiger.
Nice (anti firepower) weapons cache.

Mitch’s Hyde side is activated.
The plane monster looks like a squid
and the plane is in a dive

9 the black forest
Logan and the iedg have found some nest in  germany. Meanwhile we found babydaddy
And abigail is twisting the truth in his head.
Logan & co find a hybrid nest

10   once upon a time in the nest
Eggs close to hatching. Release  Toxic spores when something gets near. Going to try to blow it
They have Abigail and babydaddy on plane

We see what happens when spores release.
Dariella gets an offer  and

The nests are incubating and logan is at soul dealung with that one
I think max is  one of the sheapards

Hackson and logan are going to search for the 6 hybrid eggs they need fluid from after using syrum olto save abigail!!!

Beacon on and eggs hatching. Abigail dead and a red light blinks in her neck.
Those eggs falling looks gross

Attack on plane Wait thought she was dead and seems everyone is ‘waking’ up  while some

11 cradles and graves

Dariella and iedg trying to track beacons
Clem brings healing chamber to the others

A 🦂 scirpion named steve
Abe has a bad wound in his back, cant breath and mitch is still hurting

They have jamie locked up on plane and theyre trying to keep spores from getting in and clem us in labor

12 west side story

Psycho abigail launches an emp at the plane
Sadly they landed in hybrid side if barrier.

Jamie wont hold the baby and that becomes the ‘family’ drama. The plane uses a cb to contact iedg. Sends tack team and the only ones not dead .. dariella and Jackson’s girlfriend tessa.

13 the barrier

All the hybrids are headed for the barrier
The crew try to deactivate the becon
Mitch sends clem and baby away. Idoesnt feel safe to me. Theyre attacked and Abigail takes kid
Our dog sokdier saves his owner twice but dogs dont  have 9 lives…or do they wtf

Is there an episode or so misding? That doesn’t seem like an end. 

My review of the book coming soon in a new tab)

book to screen Jackson as the main character, Is basically split into at least 3 different characters in the show.

Wicked City

wicked-cityTuesdays    10pm    ABC

11 episodes   VIA IMDB

Starring Ed Westwick, Jeremy Sisto, Erika Christensen,  Taissa Farmiga & Gabriel Luna

The 1980s Sexually licentious sleazy of the anything goes Sunset strip; and when it raged, in plain sight a monster could easily hide. The show will be a close ended anthology like that of American Crime.

Stars Ed Westwick of Gossip Girl Chuck Bass Fame as the Killer Kent Grainger. The Smart seductive, charmer who restores old cars for a living and gets his kicks, not on ROute 66, but from stabbing women inside them. He’s a human chameleon posing as any other guy who will make one of the lady’s dreams come true be it in film or music.

Entertainment weekly’s preview says “If you think Ed Westwick was sinister as Gossip Girl’s Chuck bass, forget about it. He Exponentially ups the  creep factor’ as the 1982 Los Angeles serial killer

The show follows 2 cops played by Jeremy Sisto and Gabriel Luna on the case of the serial killer after a violent string of murders. There are times kent plays the nice guy, is this an overall mask he wears?

Erika christensen plays Betty Beaumontain The accomplice who is a nurse and dingle mother and until meeting Kent didn’t know she had a bloodthirsty bone in her body.

“Another Day, Another corpse in the murder capital of the world”

-blares the L.A. Radio in the background

Jack Roth is the veteran detective played by Jeremy Sisto. He’s a hardworking family man  with a devoted wife and daughter. he’s a great good cop, but better bad cop. He grows obsessed  to the point of self-destruction with cases. He may love his family, but he is also broken inside; and  catching the bad guys helps fix him.

“To me she’s a victim; to you she’s a step up” -Jack to Paco

Paco Contreras The rookie transfer played by Gabriel Luna a vietnam vet with ambition which doesn’t go over well with the new partner. One wants the job done the other and the other who will do anything to get ahead.

Karolina Wydra plays the Undercover cop Dianne Kubek who is Jack’s lover and the 2 are forced to work together. Through evidence, it seems as though their cases cross.

Taissa Farminga (American Horror Story) plays the Wide-eyed reporter Karen McClaren who is a recent college grad and wants to write for Rolling Stone but ends up working at an alternative rag on the crime beat keeping the victims voices alive so they are not just thrown away and so leads her to this case.

and Karen’s colleague  Diver Hawkes a paparazzo played by   Evan Ross

Just as the show started its run, it seemed to go on hiatus! maybe I missed a few episodes or could it have been canceled and I didn’t hear about it. Looking up to find if that is the case, sadly it has been pulled however the new in the noted link, says the show is still in production and will end with the 6th or 8th episode. The only question is will ABC air those episodes, or just do a DVD.



Adam Rotenberg was the detective in the original pilot.


Billy Idol (3 songs)

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts  Crimson & Clover

(2 additional I can’t remember the name or artist)


Tuesdays 10pm CBS

Adapted from the movie (adapted from the 2001 novel the Dark Fields by Alan Glynn)  in which Bradley Cooper starred and will have guest appearances on this. If I remember right I think he is also an executive producer, and he met the actor Jake McDorman who stars as Brian Finch on the set of Sniper and recommended him for the part! .

By the end of the Film in which the show is adapted the ‘Smart drug’ that increases brain power transformed Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) a previously struggling author, into a wealthy would be politician. The series picks up soon after the end of the movie and in the TV series continuation,

Slacker Brian Finch a struggling musician  is just going through the years on a dream, when friends & family start having families and drop out of the band.  He runs into former bandmate Eli while he’s on a temp job. Eli gives him an NZT pill  (full name NZT-48, a designer drug). Once the pill kicks in Brian is high, but not the usual sort. He’s wired, all his neurons are firing on all cylinders, every memory & piece of information and morsel of knowledge he’s ever learned can be tapped into. The job that was supposed to take 2 weeks to do, is finished in 2 hours; So he goes through all the files in the 2 weeks organizing them into the safest to the most hazardous employees. He also solves what ails his father.

There is nothing this guy can’t do! (or is there?) calculating exactly when & where he needs to run to beat traffic and not get run over, as well as stopping in front of a train millimeters away if not nose to nose with it.

He attracts the attention of NY FBI agent Rebecca harris (Jennifer Carpenter) and the FBI figures  guy with a high IQ could be a good crime solving partner

Bradley Cooper, now Senator who is up for re-election has a way of combating the side effects of the pill. Get a shot of this and you can take the pill as you need, no aging, and no changing in your normal brain function.  Of course you have to have the original star of the movie in the show at least in the pilot and maybe on occasion.

There’s Drama, action and logic with a hint or so of dry (or dark?)  humor to break things up. As far as the pilot goes for this adaptation, I’d say it’s a hit.

When it comes to the ‘battle of the Movie adaptations’  so far with the pilot I think Limitless is better off than Minority Report, then we have Ash vs. Evil Dead starting on Halloween on Starz and Scream already had its season and to me it turned out better than I thought it would  (especially for being on MTV).

Zi Approved  TV seriesI’m quite enjoying this series, even though it’s an investigation of the week format, there is the overall plot of Bradley Cooper’s character (who makes guest appearances) the Senator, and his creepy band of undercover (til they let ya know it) group. Just as I enjoyed the movie, the show is just as likeable!

Definate HIT!