The Multi screen reading challenge

You can note what you read (title and author) for each option below or screen cap and include your reads.

All challenges MUST be DM to me by Nov 19 on Instagram @kappyko otherwise if you do not have, we can figure out an alternative

Prize= hand cast resin bookmark.
Be sure to note 3-5 favorite colors ________________

Challenge entries must be received before Nov 19th (dm to @kappyko on insta)

  1. Diamond 💎 or the card♦️ suit (on cover/in title)
  2. 😺cat (title or on cover) (Rita Mae Brown Ms Murphy series)
  3. Island 🏝️ time
  4. Black and White cover
  5. Stately (book on state born in, moved to)
  6. Decade setting any from 1920s to 1990
  7. memoir/autobiography of a Musician Athlete or Actor
  8. Quirky kitsch (is there a difference?)
  9. Spirits (not ghosts but Alcohol) in title or pictured on cover ie; Burbon Kings by Jr Ward)
  10. Seasons change (book/series that takes place in each season)
  11. Reading Rainbow (read a book for each color of the rainbow (at least 5-8 books) or has a rainbow on the cover
  12. Oktoberfest (takes place during fest, in October, or set in Germany)
  13. BIRTHDAY -A character with the name of your birth month
  14. A codex, manifesto, Or lexicon
  15. Self help book (esp the dummy or idiots guide books)
  16. Book recommendation (I’ve included a few here)
  17. Book with zodiac sign in title or on cover (it doesn’t have to say Libra ⚖️ or Taurus ♉ it can just be animal, or symbol)
  18. A number in title (I recommend janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series)
  19. Holiday (NO Xmas, Halloween, or Easter)
  20. With a Dragon (character in story or cover… Yasmine Galenorn’s otherworld series books has one mid to later in series, Christopher Paolini and his dragon rider series ie:Eregon, Katie McAllister playing with fire
  21. Something by C.S. Lewis
  22. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
  23. Something morbid (Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers by Mary Roach)
  24. Mythology book (Norse, Greek, Roman, Egyptian etc)
  25. Hobby something with your hobby in title or what you are currently making. (for example..I’ve been making a patchwork on and off for years. I came across “a patchwork murder” by Jan Fields This has both in title and image on cover Challenge is also included on this blog page

Stirring up Fun with food

Stirring up Fun with food by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Gia Russo

270 pages Hard cover
I think this is the first time I’m ever writing a review of a cook book but I am giving it a shot. Yes I mainly purchased this because its “Buffy the vampire slayer” Sarah Michelle Gellar. I thought Maybe a cookbook by someone closer to my age I might enjoy more.  I just hope I would  be interested in more than a few recipes  Sarah, Hubby Freddie Prinze Jr and their kids are pictured throughout the book; of course besides the food! The pictures are vibrant as if sitting in a sun room. Instead of the traditional contents by entrees, sides desserts and snacks.. in this book the recipes are organized by   month!
 There’s even recipes for Star Wars day, Summer Solstice, Father’s day, Slumber Parties, Super Bowl, and SHARK WEEK!  (the picture for Shark Week cracks me up as they have Sugar cookie men with legs bitten off with some strawberry preserves as blood. 
the recipes look kid and Kim (…your author of this review) friendly and fun. Some can likely be made ahead, not to mention there’s school night and lunch box ideas.
(I may add some more information at a later time like other maybe a short listing of some of the recipes, also  how I like a recipe when I make it  and so on. 
For now I have to make a copy of the shark week recipes, to take to my aunt’s I have to try at least one.  

Are you there vodka? Its me Chelsea

Are you there vodka? Its me Chelsea By Chelsea HandlerAre You There Vodka? It’s Me Chelsea | Turning the Pages

I think mom found this somewhere and thought i might be interested.

Hardcover Memoir/ humor

Pgs 263 1/2

Started may 14

Finished may 30

oh how to describe what i just finished reading, besides sarcasm….if you are not  fluent in it…dont bother!! That is the type of ‘humor’ in this. Writing has good flow. Continue reading “Are you there vodka? Its me Chelsea”

Stiff: The curious lives of Human Cadavers

stiff (the curious lives of human cadavers)
Mary roach

Started -march 14
Finished -april 13
Pg 294

Uproariously funny' doesn't seem a likely description for al
book on cadavers. However, Roach... has done the nearly
impossible and written a book as informative and respectful
as it is irreverent and witty."
-Publishers Weekly, starred review

"As fascinating as it is funny, as sensitive as it is probing, Mary
Roach's Stiff is above all an important account of how we treat
the dead-literally. The research is admirable, the anecdotes
carefully chosen, and the prose lively."
-Caleb Carr, author of The Alienist

"Mary Roach proves what many of us have long suspected: that
the real fun in life doesn't start until you're dead. I particularly
enjoyed the sections about head transplants, black-market mum-
mies, and how to tell if you're actually dead."
-Joe Queenan, author of My Goodness:
A Cynic's Short-Lived Search for Sainthood

"Mary Roach is the funniest science writer in the country. If
that sounds like faint praise or even an oxymoron-there's
proof to the contrary on almost any page of this book. Stiff tells
us where the bodies are, what they're up to, and the astonishing
tales they still have to tell. Best of all it manages, somehow, to
find humor in cadavers without robbing them of their dignity.
Long live the dead."
-Burkhard Bilger, author of Noodling for Flatheads

below is an 'Author's Choice' clipping I saved I believe from Entertainment Weekly. Not sure how long ago it was i clipped it out, but it was well worth the buy. You don't feel like your learning let alone it does not feel like a non-fiction book either. So squeamish or not I still say this is an interesting book. 
1. A HEAD IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE Practicing surgery on the dead
2. CRIMES OF ANATOMY Body snatching and other sordid tales from the dawn of human dissection
3. LIFE AFTER DEATH On human decay and what can be done about it
4. DEAD MAN DRIVING Human crash test dummies and the ghastly, necessary science of impact tolerance
5. BEYOND THE BLACK BOX When the bodies of the passengers must tell the story of a crash
6. THE CADAVER WHO JOINED THE ARMY The sticky ethics of bullets and bombs
7. HOLY CADAVER The crucifixion experiments
8. HOW TO KNOW IF YOU'RE DEAD Beating-heart cadavers, live burial, and the scientific search for the soul
9. JUST A HEAD Decapitation, reanimation, and the human head transplant
10. EAT ME Medicinal cannibalism and the case of the human dumplings
11. OUT OF THE FIRE, INTO THE COMPOST BIN And other new ways to end up
12. REMAINS OF THE AUTHOR Will she or won't she?
Acknowledgments Bibliography

The way I see it, being dead is not terribly far off from being on a cruise ship. Most of your time is spent lying on your back. The brain has shut down. The flesh begins to soften. Nothing much new happens, and nothing is expected of you. . I would prefer that it be one of those There are those who will disagree with me, who feel that to do anything other than bury or cremate the dead is disrespectful, That includes, I suspect, writing about them. Many people will find this book disrespectful. There is nothing amusing about being dead, they will say. Ah, but there is. Being dead is absurd. It’s the silliest situation you’ll find yourself in. Your limbs are floppy and uncooperative. Your mouth hangs open. Being dead is unsightly and stinky and embarrassing, and there’s not a damn thing to be done about it

LIFE AFTER DEATH on human decay and what can be done about it Out behind the University of Tennessee Medical Center is lovely, forested grove with squirrels leaping in the branches hickory trees and birds calling and patches of green grass where people lie on their backs in the sun, or sometimes the shade,depending on where the researchers put them. This pleasant Knoxville hillside is a field research facility, the only one in the world dedicated to the study of human decay. The people lying in the sun are dead. They are donated cadavers, helping, in their mute, fragrant way, to advance the science of criminal forensics. For the more you know about how dead bodies decay-the biological and chemical phases they go through, how long each phase lasts, how the environment affects these phases-the better equipped you are to figure out when any given body died: in other words, the day and even the approximate time of day it was murdered. The police are pretty good at pinpointing approximate time of death in recently dispatched bodies. The potassium level of the gel inside the eyes helpful during the first twenty-four hours, as is algor mortis- the cooling of a dead body; barring temperature extremes corpses lose about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit per hour until the reach the temperature of the air around them. (Rigor mortis is more variable: It starts a few hours after death, usually in the head and neck, and continues, moving on down the body finishing up and disappearing anywhere from ten to fourty eight hours after death) They can’t tell a joke, and they can’t dance for beans. (Who says they can’t?!?? The fead can tell a good joke and just watch weekend at Bernie’s)

Every so often you find a star on the page which means to read the  footnotes.  Mary roach explains something that happened which sounded  way too familiar and just get that sort of eerie feeling. When i got to the end of the sentence... I realized its something that happened in the show 9-1-1 that I watch . (Only thi had a different outcome, unless there were 2 instances if the like that happened and had two different outcomes) For those of you that do watch it, i dont recall the season or episode of the series but it was a Halloween episode, as everyone thought the car with the guys body on the hood and head in windshield was a decoration or not really sure.  THEN while im reading a different chapter ("beyond the black box") theres a case of a plane crash that sounds all too familiar. The flight number is a little different but reading the airport name and other facts i cant help but blurt out holy shit! As i realize the movie Final Destination  was based on a real event! (if not only the beginning that i know of)  

Not sure why when i perused the chapter titles it did not hit me then. I reach chapter 10...and its on medicinal cannibalism!!! If something in this chapter doesnt gross you out, nothing will... You are ', listening ' to a person who loves eating chinese food while watching the lost boys which means rice = maggots and noodles =worms. 
But then vampire movies make me hungry. So far the only thing that has grossed me out, is guacamole...."it tastes like slimer" that was my exact quote... And my mother had tears in her eyes she was laughing so hard. 

I won't go into detail of what was ingested in the past as a cure for what ails you, but read this chapter and i understand truely now why plauges spread,  disintery existed as well as other nasty �� human pharma!! The most minor i think was using saliva.  Currently 

Placenta is still used today
Suppose to Stave off
Post Partum depression 
Main Stream enough for Recipes to Pop up online

Virtual birth Center has to
Prep Cocktail
8oz V8 juice
2 Ice Cubes
1/2 Cup Carrot
1/4 cup raw placenta
Pureed in blender 10 Seconds

Theres also lasagna, Pizza,fried,
Roasted Garlic 

America’s first crematory was built in 1874 on the estate of Francis Julius LeMoyne.  The  bare utilitarian design of the crematory was likened to ‘a bake oven’ and ‘a large cigar box’. Along with criticism from newspapers across the country (after all this first time was a public event) ‘with a carnival air to the proceedings, and lack of religious ritual and due solemnity, cremation was all but doomed to an early grave. I was surprised to read that it eas not til 1963 that the church lifted the ban on cremation. (So there were no cremations before this or just not for the church going crowd?)

“Waste and fakery of the traditional christian funeral

Now we may have an alternative to cremation, instead of wasted land you can become compost. Return to the earth via Swedish environmentalist Susanne Wiigh-Madak… Your body is frozen in nitrogen, then brought to a chamber where ultrasound waves or mechanical vibration is used to break and shatter the remains into pieces more ir less the size of ground chuck. The pieces while still frozen will then be freeze dried and used as compost for a memorial tree or shrub either in a churchyard, memorial park or family’s yard.

Also she explains the difference between rotting and composting as the needs of humans and needs of compost are similar… oxygen,water,air temperature that does not stray from 37 centigrade…her point …we are all nature and sll made of the same basic materials

The compost idea is also a great one for 3rd world (why do we even call them that!!?!?!?) Countries who cant afford coffins or cremation. In some countries (haiti and parts of rural china) unclaimed bodies as well as ones from poor families are often dumped into open pits.  Cost efficiency estimate.. Liquid nitrogen per body $30 gas to cremate $100.

Think of it as science ‘s version of reincarnation. Our dear author has noted that she pictured a Shakespearean  theater troupe she read about which a dead  cast member’s last requeste was to has his skull used as ol’ poor Yorick. …to which she says people really need to think these requests through. To this i literally laughed out loud

Mary mentioned leaving a note requesting family and friends with elaborate wishes is a way of exerting influence when you are gone, trying to still have control. However she spoke with a funeral director about this and he believes the decisions concerning the disposition of the body should be made by the survivors not the dead. Saying its not their(the dead’s) business and survivors should not have to do something they are not comfortable with or ethically opposed to (so then family say thats catholic, but i believe in another religion, then its ok for them to bury me of theirs? F**** no … I drag the funeral director and them to the afterlife with me better yet i  torture them by haunting. So family should be able to override a decision like organ donation, or donating body to science. Or even any wishes even if already paid and prepared for?!!!) Im very much against going against the deads wishes. Fir one its disrespectful.  2. Its bad enough we are not able to give mom her wish of being interred with my grandmother as we are told her father (i never knew him so i cant call him grandpa) is already in there. (Plus we were not able to find a title amoung the paperwork in the house or safety deposit box.) I want to go to where my grans ashes are and at least sprinkle some on the edge of the wall  where my gram  is. So that at least in a way i did what i could yo grant her wish) Also yet another reason to make sure you have a living will and the traditional, being sure that not only do you have it filed with a lawyer but also see if there sre any survivors that they have no qualms about your wishes. Crap like what the funeral director said, is why i have more respect for the dead than the living.

the maximum
speed at which a human being has a respectable shot at surviv-
feet-first-that's the safest position-fall into water is
about 70 mph. Given that the terminal velocity of a falling body
is 120 mph, and that it takes only five hundred feet to reach that

If you could at all help it, it was extremely advisable, historically, to avoid being
epileptic. Treatments for it have included distilled human skull, dried human
heart, bolas of human mummy, boy's urine, excrement of mouse, goose, and horse,
warm gladiator blood, arsenic, strychnine, cod liver oil, and borax.

Definitely going to keep for another read in the future.

The following i used a text scanner to include in case you would like to 

Donating your body to science is different from donating organs for
transplant. Being an organ donor involves marking your driver's
license and letting your family know that you want your organs
donated in the event that you wind up brain-dead and on a respirator
(which keeps the organs viable for a few days pending the transplant).
Please do this. Eighty-three thousand people are waiting for organs,
and sixteen die every day.
To donate your body to a medical school or university for
research, you'll need to contact the facility. The Anatomy Board of
the University of Florida Web site has a state-by-state list of univer-
sities with Willed Body Programs and their phone numbers. Go to If this list is no longer in
existence, try a Web search for "willed body program" and the name
of your state. Contact the institution you'd like to donate yourself to
and request a willed body donor form and information packet. Be
sure to talk to your family about your plans. For one thing, they'll
need to call the university to come get you when the time comes.
You can't specify what you're used for; you go where there's
a need. The majority of willed bodies wind up in the anatomy
department. Almost none end up in the English department. Medical
conferences where surgeons practice new techniques are another
common venue. If there's something you'd rather not be used for,
make this clear on your donor form or in an attached note. Have fun! 

Bad Kitty

bad kitty
Michelle jaffe
Harper teens (yeah so im reading a ya book)
268 pages plus  18 pgs of EXTRAS!
Started October 30
Finished. Dec 25

Jasmine callihan is on vacation with her family part if which is her cousin and cousin's idiot friend in Las Vegas, aunt uncle and her step mom Sherri which she likes!! She Describes herself as an exotic looking girl with no boobs. Her dad is a genius and shed like to be a forensic supersleuth. She used to play "Barbie crime scene" with her friend, just check out the image from the book (fave part so far). Shes supposed to be working on a journal this summer but literally just started with just a few more weeks til school   
Jasmine however gets herself into trouble via her (non existent) superpower of cats being attracted to her. (This part should be in a movie ���� and perfectly from book to screen) well this gets her in trouble at the hotel, ruining a wedding, dad worse on her than security then stepmom to rescue (honestly you just need to know how to talk to people) shes off the hook and gets use of a limo!!!
Tom -roxys bro
Fiona bristol -some celebrity she heard conversing on phone with an 'alex'
 fred +and his cat  - fionas son
Alison. Jas's cousin 

After her wedding mosh, jas tries to be a model daughter. 
The 'lingo' jas's cuz and friend v use is reminiscent (almost) of Gilmore girls.
Do master card= priceless
Visa- (need to look up)
'running my plates' when someone is checking you out

__A fave part___
went around the house covering every surface with all my mom's old
e shadow and blush, looking for any prints of hers that might still
be there. I guess in retrospect I can see why that sort of freaked my dad
out, but the way he dealt with it-taking all of my mom's fingerprints
I had carefully lifted and saved on paper and throwing them away and
telling me never to do anything like that ever again OR ELSE-didn't
really make me want to stop. Him being overprotective because my
mom died, okay, but even as a first grader I knew that was no way to
Like all good radicals, I took my cause underground. In secon
and third grades I would go over to Polly's house after school and we
would play Barbie Crime Scene. Polly liked it because she got to dress
Barbie and Ken and Skipper up in the right outfits for whatever sce-
nario we were doing-like beachwear for "Tropical Paradise Turns
into Bloodbath" or party clothes for "Massacre at a Charity Ball." We
pose them like crime victims and leave "evidence" around, and
then the Spice Girls and My Little Pony would come and figure out
what happened. Polly's mom thought our game was so cute she even
had their housekeeper make a lab coat for Posh Spice that said CORO-
NER on the back. (She didn't like it as much when Skipper offed Barbie
and Ken and tried to cover up the evidence in "Night of Kasbah
Passion Turns to Night of Horror" by setting a small fire. On an
antique Persian rug. But that was kind of understandable.)
One day my dad came to pick me up when we were presenting our
evidence in court (the Honorable Hungry Hungry Hippo presiding)-
not even reconstructing a crime or doing "Courtroom Shootout Takes
Down Key Witness" or anything and his head almost peeled open to
let Weebles come dancing out. It was unhealthy for us to think about
murder, he said, waving his arms around

I likely bought the book because of the title and the black cat on cover... Definitely not what i thought it would be about but there is   a part with a cat where the book gets the title from.

I like the friends'  (oh thevword eludes me at the moment) how they speak. 
And when Jas is thinking to herself. The monkeys' abd lets mit forget those ever so 'important' life lessons. 

___another part had me chuckling___
 "The poor woman needs help badly"
mping into one of t
"Just because you don't like her clothes?"
"It's not a taste thing, although she is a bis frumpy. It's more her
approach. Half the clothes are like two years old, while the other half
were practically purchased yesterday. They still have the tags on them
and everything. If they were different sizes, like she'd gained weight or
something, I would understand, but they aren't. Absent extenuating
circumstances, that kind of binge shopping is a warning sign, a cry for
help. It makes it impossible to establish a singular style. People think
that bad dressing is a sign of inner unrest, but so often it
way. Style dysfunction leads to lifestyle dysfunction."
the other
"That very deep. Tell me, Professor Prentis, did you happen to
look in the garbage can in her bathroom?"
"Yes, Madam Sarcastico, I did. There was nothing in it. It was
bare. Empty. Devoid of contents. Why?"
"I don't know. I kind of hoped there would have been some pills.
Look at this," I said, using the pen from the hotel stationery set to lift
the empty prescription bottle toward her so I wouldn't mess up any
fingerprints on it. "It is made out to Fiona and says to take for sleep-
ing. The recommended dose is only two tablets a day, but it was filled
two days ago and it's empty."
"It's no surprise Fiona was having trouble sleeping," Polly said,
holding open one of the hotel envelopes so I could slip the bottle into
it for safekeeping. "If I had to share a room with that fuchsia Zandra
Rhodes dress she's got in the closet, I'd have nightmares too."

The mystery is a little thin although we know who it is, 
theres still a red herring and some cheeky teen angst?
Nah not quite right, add hormones before the angst. Has some extras like how to speak jas Meet michele jaffe And the bad kitty quiz

2022 Reading Challenge


67 Tales from Poland67 tales from poland

Anthology-various authors


Pages- 600

March 26- on going

will have an individual post when finished.

Moby Dick2390

Herman Melville

Print & a little kindle


July 2021 -March 5th 2022

Its pissing me off! Chapter 50 something it finally mentions (a possible siting of the white whale) however it then goes back to B.s. filler in my Point of view.

BUY THE CLIFF NOTES or sSpark notes instead

Zodiac Academy: The Awakening by [Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti]Zodiac Academy: The Awakening

by Caroline Peckham (Author), Susanne Valenti (Author)


Pages 436

Started- Dec 25th (while reading Moby Dick) So true one

March 6-as I read around 100 pages. –

find it here

good flow though parts seems to rip off some Harry Potter Ideas like Houses, and points the least.
Gemini twins But NO they don’t sciphon magic although other types of fae (which in this includes Vampires, Werewolves, sirens and a few others) ‘leech’ it in varying ways.

HP A history of magic: journey through divination and astrology

Post mortem

HP A history of magic: journey through Care of Magical Creatures

artemis Fowl

HP A history of magic: journey through Charms and Defense against the dark arts

Full scoop

Janet evanovich and Charlotte hughes
347 pgs

May 31 – June 22

Takes place in beaumont, south Carolina. Maggie’s ex boyfriend breaks out of prison for the money he hid. Her daughter doesn’t know she’s his. Maggie Farnsworth pediatric doctor has a 13 year old daughter mel and her Ex Carl Lee Stanton escaped prison

See the source image

Ever After High: The Storybook Legends

Shannon Hale

pages 304

Fantasy Little Brown 2013

Started June 26 – july 6

Its legacy year for the offspring of the fairy tales. Legacy Day is not a graduation but comes in Sophmore year where they sign the storybook of Legends and resume the title their parent(s) once held.

Have only read a little more than 50 pages but there’s corny little ‘lingo’ instead of calling the Auditorium such its Charmitorium, Cafeteria is castleteria, and Damel in DISstressing class and instead of EXcellent its HEXellent.

Riddlish is one language of Wonderland “a pod for peas wears hearts on sleeves”

Raven Queen daughter of the Evil Queen, Apple White, Briar Beauty, Madeline Hatter, Darling Charming and Blondie Locks are all Obvious of whose children they are. Cedar Wood, Sparrow Hood, Hopper Croaking and ashlyn Ella kind of threw me a bit. Sparrow Hood is Robin Hood’s son (not Red’s) Cerise is Red Riding hood’s daughter. The Darlings have another Son Dexter and a Daughter as well (maybe she was Darling and the hero brother was Daring Charming… I forget. Hansel and Gretel’s children play a small part, and a few other minor characters.


I’ve seen the series, and Finally I get to read the book! I loved the show so I hope the book will be even better!

VARIOUS Children’s books

when I put the Ever After High book in Lending Library in which I found….


My Aunt gave me a bunch of Kids books to donate to the lending Library down the street from me so hey They’re quick reads and I never heard of many of them so… I’ve beenn reading them but the little Snorks one, and the Bugs Bunny and Road Runner I’m keeping!! Some of them look as old as me if not older! Will try to list if not leave a picture.

The Real Mother Goose (Husky Book 1)

At the Zoo

Johnny Lion’s Rubber Boots

Will you cross me

Last one home is a green pig


Mr Toad of Toad hall

Ivan the Great Isabel Langis Cusak

Farm Animals

What its like to be a Zoo worker

The Legend of the Blue Bonnet (An old tale of Texas retold and Illustrated by Tomie dePaola

Death at Whitewater Church

Andrea Carter

death ☠️ @ whitewater church

Andrea Carter

P 327.

Mystery  crime

©2015 Setting – ireland

Started- august 8 2022 Finished – oct 27

Main character ‘ben’ is female short for Benedictine

a 150+ -yr    deconsecrated Church with overgrown driveway Where the River Foyle met Sea @NE CorneR OF Donegal Do you still call it a Church after being deconsecrated? at each corner theres IVY Climbing walls, missing Stained Glass Building had heart broken look about it as if grieving For its Parishoners. the original door now Replaced by an ugly Corrogaited iron gate about 10x8ft & starting to rust around the edges the smell of damp decay and the ivy  Penetrated the interior  walls as well weeds Sprouting from  Walls & flooring patches has a crypt, stairs lead down to the chamber no more than 7 or 8 feet high and at the bottom a brown wooly blanket. A Skeleton wrapped in old Irish wool blanket (the kind b4 duvet) with head on a pillow like a macbra sleeping bag. May have been moved from another place. Theres some traces of  soil but….  One character said the blanket looked fresh enough. Characters Ben – solicitor Paul doherty – (at church with ben) Ray kelly – owner of prop Tom molloy -p34 personality. (cop,) Danny devitt brother never around when fam needs him ____drama club____ Liam McLaughlin estate agent Hal McKinney madter if the pun, undertaker,commish for oaths abd mechanic Phyllis kettle owns towns 2nd hand bookshop Tony craig local publican abd ability to make riddle last as long as the illiad and aware of his rep Claire devitt set designer,poster artist,gen. Publicity MISSING Eithne O’Connell local chemist Connor devitt – bro of claire and danny & disappeared 6-7 years ago Molloy asks if paul touched the bones at all. Could they be Connor Devitt ? They are male around age when he disappeared but could be 10 years older or younger as the level of decomposition cant even get a precise death date either. Testing DNA and using dental records.  Some smaller bones are broken and not in right position but almost intact Ben : i presume no fingerprints to which molloy gives a what do you think look. Chapter 8 and a cat named Guinness!… I thought it was going to be some big dog. Crime mystery First off good job to the author for not making the who dunnit not obvious. Starts that conot devitt disappeared 6-7 years ago so we’re going to solve that right? Wrong although yes but theres more than one ‘simple’ mystery in this complex …oh the word eludes me….ill just go with story.. Oh and noted that hlebdara snd whitewater are not onthe map of inishowen. _____?_______ Swim togs Trá na gCuig Méar – five fingers strand or Lagg as locals call it. Glashedy island Knockamany bens Malin – oxymorn cause its small Inishowen Peninsula (cork lilt) Donegal Garda (Cop?) Oxter Apparently how we spell curb is kerb  over there I have to ask my landlord what a dickybird is supposed to mean though Quoins Pocket of anorak

Bad Kitty

bad kitty

Publishing February 3

October 30-Dec 2

bad kitty
Michelle jaffe
Harper teens (yeah so im reading a ya book)
268 pages plus  18 pgs of EXTRAS!
Started October 30
Finished. Dec 25

Jasmine callihan is on vacation with her family, part if which is her cousin and cousin's idiot friend in Las Vegas, aunt uncle and her step mom Sherri which she likes!! 
She Describes herself as an exotic looking girl with no boobs. Her dad is a genius and she'd like to be a forensic supersleuth. She used to play "Barbie crime scene" with her friend, 
Jasmine gets herself into trouble via her (non existent) superpower of cats being attracted to her. And the zany mystery starts

Has some extras like how ro speak jas
Meet michele jaffe And the bad kitty quiz

Review on individual post

October 30-Dec 23

🦂Kim Marie Ostrowski 🐉

Zoo (book)

“Something bad Is happening out there…

something very bad

By James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge

395 pages

Started July 18

Finished Aug 3

Jackson Oz studying the ‘event’

So far the chapters are short, well paced

“oz my boy sometimes I think this world would favours is nothing but a goddamn zoo.”
In front of oz on many screens were animals, all behaving very badly. Fathers really do know best, because the world was becoming a zoo , without cages.

No one seems to see the pattern of attacks, be it by city, or state the least. 

Continue reading “Zoo (book)”

Kindle Vella

We’re introducing a new storytelling option: Kindle Vella. With Kindle Vella, U.S. based authors can publish serialized stories, one short episode at a time.

Readers can explore Kindle Vella stories in the Kindle app by going to the Discover tab in app on iOS devices or the Store tab in app on Android and Fire devices and tapping the Kindle Vella link. See below for more links

NOW there’s NO “I don’t have time” EXCUSE

The Tokens

Amazon  make it easy for readers making the the first three episodes of every story free with the added (sign on) bonus  New Kindle Vella readers also receive free Tokens to help them get started. I think I received 500 when I gave it a try. 

The number of Tokens needed to unlock an episode is determined by the episode’s word count at the rate of one token per 100 words. Each episode must consist of a minimum of 600 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. For example, it takes six Tokens to unlock a 638-word episode. You can view the number of Tokens needed to unlock an episode on the Episode setup page of your Kindle Vella Library.

The pricing goes as such


Vella TokensPriceEst. # Eps

Sample image

image sourced in search (c) Amazon

 Faves and crowns

Readers who purchase Tokens can crown a weekly Fave for the story they enjoyed most that week. We feature the most Faved stories in the Kindle Vella store. If your story is Top Faved by readers, it will appear with a crown above the story image in the Kindle Vella store and in the Top Faved list. The Top Faved list changes based on Fave activity from readers, so you may see your story move on and off the list. Learn more about reader engagement. To boost your reader engagement, consider following our best practices.

You can find this information here:

visit the Kindle Vella store at


  As I use it, I will add more information here. I wanted to get this post out as its the beginning of summer and I was hoping you could find a beach read! 

Artemis Fowl (book)

All images

Artemis Fowl by Eion Colfer     from Hyperion

Book 1 of 8  series

Fantasy Thriller action

396 pages +a few for excerpt from next book

Started May 3

Finished  may 26


The story begins ‘several years’ ago at the dawn of the 21st century. Artemis Fowl has devised a plan to restore the Fowl Fortune. Sadly this plan is one that could topple civilizations and plunge the planet into a Cross species war.   Wiki

He and his Butler are looking for some book they’ve been across 8 Continents for and had 6 false alarms in finding.


Brush up on Vocabulary: 



Lecturn– basically a podium

P’shog Ka-dalun (fairy)








Continue reading “Artemis Fowl (book)”

What makes a book “Summer reading”?

For a few years I was looking for a copy of the book Zoo. Yes, as in the one that was adapted into  a tv series (and last I saw was available on Netflix).  This was after I found a “one Shot’ at barnes & Nobles which may be 100-200 some odd pages.

For some reason I have been determined for some reason to read it in the summer, and THAT is the inspiration for this post.

I’m hoping not only find out “What”  but

  • Why is a book dubbed ‘Summer reading’ or even further a ‘beach read’
  • The books released during this season, WHY do they get scheduled to release at this time? (Is it also like Blockbuster movie season, is there one for books as well?)
  • Does a certain Type (genre) come out more Maybe mysteries or thrillers during this time? Or Do the ones with actual Summer Vacation and Beach scenes come out at this time?
  • How is a book ‘deemed’ a Summer or beach read?
  • Are Beach read and Summer reading the same, or 2 different things?
  • Where? Are the books a summer or beach read only because of the setting(s) and time in the book?

Will I be able to answer each of these questions? We shall see, if we dont answer them I will keep researching and surveying people until I get an answer. So this will be an ongoing post.

If you Bing What is Summer reading it gives you the definition of:

Continue reading “What makes a book “Summer reading”?”