
NX. 2015. Scifi tom Payne Sam Neil Oliver stark

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At Duke university a ground breaking brain to brain interface is created between 2 rats.

experiments Resume to next level and is attempted on humans…

Sending the skills of a pro skateboarder to a novice. in 2027 a controversial professor creates the DXM academy to bring together the most gifted young minds in quantum tech, the aim is next evolution of human Connectivity.

Its a Shame they had to include a religious aspect to this, other than that it was a cool movie different for me and for those of you that watch  9-1-1 YES! That’s ‘Buck’ is gothed out or metal head looking.

Too bad we don’t have this tech yet to help those that are paralyzed, or other injuries etc. That it might help.

I’d say an interesting watch, makes you think

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