Thankskilling Carving

Yes thanks KILLING not giving!

I saw this November 2018, and figured I’d schedule it for the same, November. I was behind in typing up my review notes by a month or two for a variety of reasons. (I normally get behind this time of year, but some medical problems as well) So I guess keeping that in mind, I’d figured to schedule it for the same time,  in case the same thing happens.

Valentines day has ‘My bloody valentine (watch the original one it’s better than the new one, or watch the remake first then the old one.) Surprisingly Halloween has give or take about the same amount of movie specials. There are some holiday horrors for December like Santa’s Slay, Black Christmas, and Krampus. Thankfully there are a few treats (good or not) one comes across every now and then.


Basically this Turkey Tom is a curse put upon the White man.

Oh my how Awful the first is. The turkey is a bit amusing sort of like comic the insult dog but not as insulting. All the acting is crap and I’d advise turning the sound off and make up what the actors are saying yourself, you’d probably do a better job than the ones being paid, (just use the sound for the Turkey).

Although it was bad and bad acting, I still couldn’t not watch (yes I mean the double negative) I just had to keep watching it like it was a horrible accident.



Thankskilling 3


While the acting was bad for the first one, I think the writer or director was on some sort of drugs. 

From the way the story goes, it seems there is no 2nd movie (in our world at least) in the movie world it was the worst movie ever made and they have all been destroyed (well minus one). I think the 2nd movie was supposed to be out in space.

I have one note that mentions a pie that reminds me of the brain (Kraang ?)from the original (was it 80s or 90s) cartoon

at this point I’m not sure which is the worse one, but there’s nothing usually on to watch (and Netflix has yet to make a 1 day Streaming Plan)


For some reason the movies make me think Troma studios but I don’t think they are.

Multiscreen MoTVision

let me guess you said Wait did she add the post to the wrong blog? What does it have to do with entertainment you ask? Well frankly being a Christmas has so many specials I thought it would be nice for other holidays to catch up especially being as not everyone celebrates christmas. How many Hanuka (sp?)  specials or Kwanzaa are there (let alone any other holiday somewhat less known or shunned.. ahem. Yule, Winter solstice)

Valentines day has ‘My bloody valentine (watch the original one it’s better than the new one)

There are some holiday horrors for December like Santa’s Slay, Black Christmas ,

Kazuo Umezz’s Horror Theater: Vol. 3,  The Christmas Season Massacre / Satan Claus / Psycho Santa, Christmas Evil,


for now you can check out  Thankskilling


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