Addition by Toni Jordan

Bought this book from my cousin before she moved to New Zealand years ago. Though I don’t think its part of a series, I’m still reading it, as when I’m not sure what series to read, I pull a slip of paper from my little trinket box, to help me decide what sort of book to read. I don’t remember what it was

Started this on  January 16th

Finished February 11

Yes I started off slow

As I mentioned on Goodreads …

Welcome inside the mind of Grace; a counter, she counts everything and some of it in an obsessive compulsive way! Where if there’s poppy seeds on her Orange cake she counts them and the number of those is the number of bites she must take to finish the cake!!! Counts the numerology of peoples names, that counting on a base of 60 is a pagan tendency.. (never heard of that.. 9 is normally the number)

Not all that great for my anxiety but I am staying with it just to test myself! Though there are times I can only read a page or 2 at a time.  There are times it makes me want to scream but most definitely need to read in a quiet environment to keep up with all the counting babble, and her panic attacks (if you want to call them that.) She counts her steps from bed to door, the length of her fingers, and so much more. She started doing this as a young child. She’s now or was a math teacher,  and tutor  and does all this un-needed counting.

Oh and nightmare twin (well sort of) her love interest  drops he used to have nightmares about snakes under his bed  and they would come out at night and crawl over him! Thankfully mine did not get so bold and go as far when I was little and dreamed there were some under my bed, and had to go to the bathroom so bad I was screaming cause I was afraid if I put my feet on the floor the snakes would get me. I woke my parents to carry me to the bathroom. To this day I see a snake and my feet reflex onto the bed!

There were a few parts of the book, that I, having delt with  depression and anxiety..and still do have felt.

For instance in my copy on page 235 Grace our Protagonist asks us to consider the number of times you see your body. In the mirror, windows as you walk, or your hands as you are typing or washing something. Your legs in bed and so on. All these times to be confronted by the sight of someone who is not you-not-your hands at the end of not your arms can fill you with a sense of dislocation each second of each minute of the day.

That is similar to how I feel only it’s not my whole body, it’s when I look in the mirror. This has only been a problem since 2011 when I has to go to the emergency room as that;s the ONLY place you can get the help you need when you are depressed! (And so the reason why many likely end up killing themselves when they are)  Since then I look at myself and I wonder who it is in the mirror. Certainly it’s not me, I feel the same inside in the sense that I am me but I have changed. I want the me that I was before 2011 back, and sadly I don’t think that will ever happen.

There’s a good thought she had that made me snicker…the ‘IDIOT’ conference

International Dickheads In Overpriced Ties

The character also explains how everyone may know E=MC2  because they heard it in school or was game show quiz answer but they don’t know what it Really means.  That being

“Matter and energy are the same  thing and everyone and everything is connected by a mathematical formula

In the back of the book there are questions for (I guess a book club) discussion!


  1. How would you describe the character of our protagonist, Grace Lisa Vandernburg? Did your Impressions of Grace change throughout the novel?
  2.  Grace can be considered an unreliable narrator, though perhaps not willfully so. How do Grace’s views on Jill her mother and Seamus differ from the views you formed as an objective reader
  3. What Parallels and differences did you discover betwen Graces life and the life of her idol Nikola Tesla?
  4. Do you think the novel is successful in presenting the perspective of someone with obsessive compulsive  disorder? Has it changed your perception of the condition?
  5. How is humor used in the novel?
  6. How and why does the tone of the novel change when grave is undergoing treatment?
  7. One one level Addition is a romantic comedy. How does it deviate  from the typical romantic comedy?
  8. Did the novel end the way you expected? Why or Why not?
  9. Is there a difference between eccentricity and insanity? Why or why not?
  10. Addition is a celebration of small things. What does this mean? What small things might you celebrate in your own life?

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