Avengers: Infinity War


There seems to be more Where is the Soul Stone than anything, leading up to the release of the movie. Image result for soul stone mcuSome moron who must be color blind thinks its Captain America cause he thought he saw some orange in his eyes in the trailer when Thanos the Grape has a grip on him. That was the gold of Thanos’ armor if there was any ‘orange’ color in cap’s eyes. There may be some truth to that but not in Cap. Remember Heimdall who’s eyes are a topaz/orange color? I’m thinking maybe it’s in Heimdall’s armor. Could we possibly see him in Wakanda?  You could also go by Thanos’ name! The names of or what the stones are in each have a letter of his name. With this theory, I tried to see if I could find another who thought of this and I might be on the right track. It might also be  MARVEL those of which we have seen with the gems.  Between these 2 an Asgardian has it.

While watching Black Panther, I thought I might have seen the soul stone somewhere in the heart herb garden. Which my logic is this; The heart herb brought back T’Challa, it gives the Black Panther his powers and helps him go to the spirit realm to speak to his ancestors.

Otherwise, my out of left field answer that I have no explanation for Bucky. As for where the soul stone is… I’m saying in space (or some other dimension or reality) If I go by where we came upon the stones that’s 3 on earth and so far 2 from space. Which means the soul stone is in space somewhere. And being we were introduced to 2 of the stones in Thor movies, as much as I would love for it to be in possession of Heimdall, logically I don’t think they would do that. We’ve seen the Guardians handle one of the stone, and Loki in Avengers had one in his staff. It’s only fair that the soul stone is in space and has something to do with the Guardians or maybe Dr. Strange or   Is Agent Coulson the Soul Stone? and Here’s a whole bunch of other theories


Avengers: Here’s Why Civil War Came Before Infinity War

(So does that mean the infinity war comic book (series?) came before the Civil war one (or series)?

10 Big Questions That Were Still Left Unanswered After Black Panther  

and get this straight Chadwick Boseman Says ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Is Not ‘Black Panther’ 1.5

We can see from the trailers Steve Rogers has now join his best bud Bucky in Wakanda, the Guardians somehow get Thor on board, Hulk, Tony, Strange and Spider-man are all teamed up

in the New York Sanctum. Ok so I get that group, its the scientist aka Genius clique. I speculate that the Guardians picked up Thor after the battle with Hela being as Asgard as the movies go, is in space. Also from interviews I know the 3rd act is supposed to be in Wakanda (which to me is a spoiler in a way). I have code names for 2 teams but not sure what to call the team in Wakanda spy, assassin, patriot, and a cat…if I use the first letter of each work would be casp or CAPS mmm Cap’s.  

See the source image







The infinity stones what are they and what they do


Avengers: Infinity War’ Fan Made Trailer Adds X-Men, Fantastic Four, and more

I think I saw Ready Player one character in that! WTF!!!

So Course I saw this at Alamo Draft house and I love when they have  at for my movie

from Alamo DraftHouse Yonkers credit @Whosgotthechalk


During the clip show, some guys mentioned some of the crazier stories in the comics. For instance, there’s some doughboy. (really?!??!) If you want to check that out its captain America #395

Saw a preview for the new Jurassic World and in 3D. OMG it looked so cool in 3d and mean the Dinosaur when it swung its head around I think i actually jumped.

The Deadpool trailer had a great line. Deadpool talking to  Cable “You’re so dark, are you sure you’re not from the DC Universe”?

 and WOW they turned ALL the lights off in the theater for this one!


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